Revealing Lips
We have all been warned since we were kids about the damage the sun can do to our skin. For many years now we have recognized the benefits of the all important sun screen when going outside. We all know we should protect our eyes from the suns rays with really good sunglasses with UV protection.. But we may have we forgotten one important part of our face that also needs our attention - our lips.
One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to slow down the signs of aging and protect our lips. Lips can crack, lips can get cancer, especially the vulnerable lower lip. Lips can get sunburned, windburned and even dehydrated. There's an easy way to keep our lips moist and save money on lip's a great little recipe for making your own effective and inexpensive lip balm.
Melt yellow bees was beads for about 30-45 seconds in the microwave
Add 1 Tablespoon coconut oil, microwave another 30 seconds.
Add essential oil (i love peppermint and lemon) about 3 drops of the peppermint and about 4 drops lemon oil.
Using and lipped cup or a syringe, pour the contents into old lip balm containers. This recipe will make 6 lip balms for you and your family to enjoy.