How Much Wind Could a Camper Stand if a Camper Could Stand Wind?
As we get cranked up into hurricane mode, many residents across SWLA are still living in campers in their driveways. The question that begins to pop up as we see these storms come around is exactly how much wind can these wheeled palaces stand before things get sketchy?
Now, before we get into any sort of details or facts, if my house was on wheels, I wouldn't even think twice about hitching it up and getting away to somewhere not here. We have already lost one house, let's not take a chance on this one at all. However, if you are really set on trying to stay for one, in a camper, on your land, it would be important to understand what type of crosswind it could take while sitting there in your driveway.
There are a ton of factors to take into consideration when it comes to the durability of your camper in high winds: weight, design, overall size, overall length, and wind direction. According to this study by various universities across the country, a standard 18-foot travel trailer is safe at a wind speed not exceeding 53mph. The study says that is a wind blowing directly perpendicular to the camper itself. So, broadside at 53mph. Let's go back to hurricane school for a second, for those of us who don't remember what category each wind speed is at.
Anything less than 38mph is considered a tropical depression. A tropical storm is where things would get sketchy for the average camper. Tropical storms range from 39-73mph, then we jump into the categories after that. So you see, even a tropical storm can be dangerous for those of us still living in campers in the area. If you feel like you want to stay for a tropical storm, Camp Addict has suggestions to better prepare your camper for higher winds.
- Point your camper in the direction of the wind, if possible, to avoid it being hit broadsided.
- Pull your slides in will reduce the drag across the body of your camper and prevent the wind from being able to pick up on your camper.
- Keep your stabilizing jacks down on the ground and in place.
- Hitch your camper to your vehicle to help add weight and better stabilize the camper.
- If you are in a motor home with air bags, dump the bags to bring the camper lower to the ground and prevent it from unnecessary swaying.
- Stay away from hanging tree limbs, or larger trees that could possible fall onto your camper.
- If possible, park your camper close to your home or building so it can break up some of the wind before it reaches your camper.
I am not saying this is the end all safety procedure to save your camper from a hurricane, but if you indeed need to stay for a storm, maybe these items will help. If you have the means to get out of town for an upcoming storm involving high winds, hitch up the wagon and get out of Dodge.