Whiskey in your water, Splenda in your tea, what's this artificial sweetener doing to me? My wife adds Coffee Mate and an artificial sweeteners to her coffee. So there is not much real in that coffee and that worries me a little. After reading this you may worry a little also.

getty images/ Mario Tama

It seems like everything we do is bad for us. You can't even have a little sweetener in your coffee or tea? I can not verify what I read about Splenda but I do want to share it. If there is any chance that it is true ... you might want to change sweeteners.

Your body's reactions to Splenda can include skin rashes/flushing, panic-like agitation, dizziness and numbness, diarrhea, swelling, muscle aches, headaches, intestinal cramping, bladder issues, and stomach pain according to an article at womentowomen.com

According to Dr. Mercola at mercola.com ...  Splenda can cause the following.

  • Reduced growth rate in newborns and adults at levels above 500 mg/kg.day
  • Decreased red blood cells - - sign of anemia (at levels above 1500 mg/kd/day
  • Decreased thyroxine levels (thyroid function) (According to McNeil, since this only occurred on male rats and no abnormalities were observed with the thyroid tissue, this was considered insignificant.)
  • Mineral losses (magnesium and phosphorus) McNeil stated that these patterns were variable and at times not dose related so they were not significant.
  • Decreased urination
  • Enlarged colon (The FDA Final Rule states cecal enlargement is often seen with poorly absorbed substances and is not significant.)
  • Enlarged liver and brain (McNeil stated these were insignificant due to a lack of a dose response.)
  • Shrunken ovaries
  • Shrunken thymus above 3 grams per day
  • Enlarged and calcified kidneys (McNeil stated this is often seen with poorly absorbed substances and was of no toxicological significance. The FDA Final Rule agreed that these are findings that are common in aged female rats and are not significant.)
  • Increased adrenal cortical hemorrhagic degeneration (McNeil stated that this is a variable finding common in aged rats and not toxicologically significant.)
  • Increased cataracts (McNeil stated that cataracts were discovered upon microscopic sections of the eye tissue and that this was not as accurate as in-life ophthalmological examinations and did not reveal any treatment- related ocular findings.
  • Abnormal liver cells (The FDA Final Rule states that this was only marginal and probably not treatment related due to the severity of the lesion was not contaminant with the dosage.)

I feel like I just went through on of those TV commercials for some new drug. You are certainly welcome to do your own research but I would not sprinkle Splenda on my beignet.


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