Gyth Needs Your Vote Tonight And My Top 3 Singers To Win
Singer Louisiana's own Gyth Rigdon will be performing tonight on The Voice and he needs SWLA to come up big again and vote their hearts out!
- Channel: NBC
- When: 7pm
The Top 8 contestants will be performing Beatles songs tonight as they compete for a chance to move on in the show.
Here's Gyth's performance that got him into the Top 8:
In my humble opinion, there are 3 contestants that I believe have a chance to win the show this year.
Here's my Top 3 and why:
1. Gyth Rigdon: Gyth is very easy to market. He's a young, good looking dude that can sing his butt off. Plus, I believe the "powers that be" on the show want him to win. Every week, it seems, either Adam or John and telling Gyth how he will be in the finale and that he can win the show. I think the show is in need of a viable star to finally emerge from their winners and Gyth my be the right guy to make that happen. He will fit in touring with some of the biggest country acts on the planet.
2. Maelyn Jarmon: Maelyn was a 4 chair turn. She's the most consistent singer in the bunch and in my opinion has not had a bad performance. She's deaf in one ear, and she says it actually works to her advantage as it helps her stay on key (liking it to a singer who will close one ear with their finger during a performance to maintain the correct pitch). I can totally see her selling millions of records.
3. Shawn Sounds: Shawn was a 4 chair turn. From right down I-10 in Houston, Texas, this music teacher has amazing tone and captivates the crowd every time he performs. He has stayed in the R&B genre with his song selections, but that's his zone, and he does it well. Like Gyth, there have been some shaky starts to his songs but he also finishes strong, so it's easy to forget.
There are 2 ways to vote for Gyth tonight after his performance. You can download the official NBC app in your mobile device's app store and stream his song that gets released tonight on iTunes. Both will count as votes for tomorrow's Elimination Show.
Good luck Gyth!
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