Going to school for some students in Calcasieu Parish means that they finally can get consistent meals.

It's a very sad fact, that for some kids, breakfast and lunch at school are the only food they will get for the entire day.  Which makes a program where those kids can eat for free even more important than ever!

KPLC reports, for a school to qualify for free meals, they need to have 40% of their student population that:

  • uses the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP.
  • is in foster care.
  • uses Head Start or Temporary Assistance of Needy Families.
  • is a homeless, migrant or runaway student.
  • and uses Food Distribution Program on Indian Reserves.

The local schools are paid back by federal government funds.

Here's a list of the schools that qualify:


If the school your child attends doesn't qualify for the free meal program, you can apply for assistance with the form your child will bring home or at the CPSB website.
KPLC 7 News, Lake Charles, Louisiana

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