Time to Start Filing Those Taxes
Our friendly Louisiana Department of Revenue has announced that they will now begin accepting those 2016 tax returns today. As a matter of fact, you can take care of two jobs at once if you have the inclination. You can also file your federal tax papers today as well. As handy as that is, I know me and I'll file on April 14th at 11:59 p.m.
Naturally, if you want to speed things up you should file electronically. Filing your E return is also said to be more error free. I guess they don't know my lack of math skills. At any rate, you can file those returns electronically HERE.
If you're curious about the time frame on all this E filing and such the department of revenue says that the average wait runs about 60 days if you E file. On the other hand, if you file the old fashioned way, you could be looking at around 14 weeks. Seriously? It really takes that long? I'd go for E filing if I were you.
By the way, if you happen to live in an area that was damaged by the recent flooding, you'll find tips about flood recovery information. The final date to file your state return is Monday, May 15th.