
Will Obamacare Help or Hurt Employees Getting Between 30-40 Hours a Week? [Poll]
Will Obamacare Help or Hurt Employees Getting Between 30-40 Hours a Week? [Poll]
Will Obamacare Help or Hurt Employees Getting Between 30-40 Hours a Week? [Poll]
I can tell you that a lot of companies are issuing mandates that part time employees must be kept under thirty hours a week. Why? Because Obamacare rates employees gettin 30 or more hours a week as full time employees who must be offered benefits (insurance). The companies can either offer them these benefits or pay a fine. How do you think this will affect these companies when it comes to giving
Affordable Health Care?
Affordable Health Care?
Affordable Health Care?
My sister is a hair dresser who can only work a few days a week and thus has a very limited income and no health insurance. She was excited about Obamacare! She went to sign up last week and here is the story.
Health Insurance Rebates?
Health Insurance Rebates?
Health Insurance Rebates?
I did not get an insurance rebate last year. As a matter of fact I paid more for insurance that does not offer as good of coverage as I had in the previous year. My wife's premiums are up over 80%. That is the facts. I do realize that we are only two people and others may have done better...
Should Uninsured Drivers Still Be Able to Buy Gas?
Should Uninsured Drivers Still Be Able to Buy Gas?
Should Uninsured Drivers Still Be Able to Buy Gas?
Uninsured driving is a serious matter in the eyes of the government, but perhaps none more so than for UK officials. In fact, some government authorities from across the pond would like to prohibit gas stations from letting those people fill up their tanks.