
Your Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Buying Guide is Here!
Your Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Buying Guide is Here!
Your Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Buying Guide is Here!
Let’s face it, Father’s Day is just two weeks away, and you’re stumped on what to get him. If your dad is anything like mine (and the other dads I consulted for this list), all he wants for Father’s Day is “socks and good behavior.” Lucky for you, I spent countless hours exploring Amazon to find something your dad is sure to love! Whether he enjoys cooking, cars, or camping, you’re guaranteed to find something on this list that will show him you’re paying closer attention to his interests than he realizes.
Dad Tries Too Hard
Dad Tries Too Hard
Dad Tries Too Hard
Everyone knows that one parent who tries WAY too hard to keep up with the trends and Vine star Trey Kennedy's 'Cool Dad' character pretty much nails it.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation
What I Did On My Summer Vacation
What I Did On My Summer Vacation
It's so hard getting back into the swing of things after a week off. I spent the last week in Georgia and have pictures. Don't worry I am not going to invite you over for the slide show. The first thing I did was stop and pick up 50 pounds of boiled crawfish to bring to my dad...

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