Special Olympics Polar Plunge Returns to L’Auberge Saturday, Feb. 15
The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Dept. and Troop D Louisiana State Police will be hosting the 2014 Special Olympics Polar Plunge this Saturday, Feb. 15 at 9 a.m. at Touloulou's Beach at L'Auberge Casino in Lake Charles.
The event is open to everyone and students and children of all ages are encouraged to participate. So what will you be doing? Simple -- jumping into the lake in the freezing cold. Why? A) To say you did. B)To raise money for the Special Olympics of Louisiana.
Take the plunge for a minimum of $50. The more you donate, the more free stuff you'll get -- and obviously the more you'll help Special Olympians. Hopefully, you'll get a team together and register. It's always better when you jump in a group!
Food and refreshments provided free to participants. Funds raised will help provide year-round programs for 13,000 children and adults with intellectual disabilities in Louisiana.