Poll Results on Obamacare and School Suspensions Plus Ticket Prices
Does Obamacare help or hurt part time employees? Should there be suspension limits in Calcasieu Parish Schools? How much would you pay to see a major concert in Lake Charles? We ask those questions in last week's polls and here is what you said.
You overwhelmingly think that Obamacare hurts people working part time on an hourly basis. Almost 70% said they think the new program will cause job or hour cuts.
Then we ask how much you would be willing to pay to see a major concert in Lake Charles. In production meetings I always hear "Lake Charles people won't pay that much for a concert ticket." That is why a lot of promoters shy away from the Lake Area. If our poll is any indication ... that reasoning is invalid. Around $80 of our respondents said they would pay $50 or more to see a major concert here.
We heard a rumor that two Lake Area schools have suspension limits. In other words they can only suspend a certain number of students per year. We ask if you thought the Calcasieu Parish School System should have suspension limits. This was the first poll question we ever did where the undecided outnumbered those who had made up their minds. It seems that 45% are undecided on this issue. I feel we will hear more about this.
Look for new polls this week.
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