New Survey Shows Stats On How Moms Are Puttin’ In Work
A new study broke down, into yearly stats, how moms are puttin' in work all year long.
And here are some of the highlights from the survey:
- Moms spend three hours and 58 minutes a week watching kids' sports, which adds up to around eight full days per year.
- They take three days off work per year to look after sick kids.
- The spend four hours and 55 minutes at school plays and assemblies per year.
- Hang five drawings on the fridge every year.
- Buy 38 presents per kid per year between birthdays, Christmas, and other occasions.
- Get woken up 16 times a year for bad dreams.
- Hear the kids say "I'm bored" 144 times a year, or 12 times a month.
- And moms hear their kids say "I love you" 676 times a year, or 13 times a week.
To see the entire list, click here.