Name Change for Bord Du Lac Drive?
I mentioned in another post today that I attended the Lake Charles City Council meeting last night and, while there was some work done, the meeting turned into a tribute for outgoing mayor Randy Roach. Now I've known Randy since he and I had debate class together back in 1968.
You know, the man hasn't changed much since those days. Randy was always about people, even back then. Randy was one of the few people I know who got along with everyone. If you were around back then, you might recall that things were pretty divided. There were the hippies who didn't like the straights of the jocks. The jocks and straights didn't like the hippies and on and on it went. So much for the "decade of love" in the 60s.
Throughout all the division, one guy could honestly say that he had friends in every possible group and that one man was Randy Roach. He just had a way about him that was so down to earth that I couldn't get over it. I don't know anyone from school that didn't like Randy. He obviously has left quite an impression since, to this day, people are quick and happy to tell about their own personal experiences.
I ran into my friend Carson Faske and he told me of a plan he had and he wanted to know If I would go along to a City Council meeting. The purpose of attending that meeting was to honor Randy Roach for his tireless work for the city and, of course, the entire state.
What Carson had in mind was changing the name of Bord Du Lac Drive to Randy Roach Parkway. Needless to say, the members of the council and the folks there to observe reacted instantly as soon as Carson mentioned naming Bord Du Lac after Mayor Roach. While the crowd was behind the idea, I think Randy was taken so aback by the suggestion that it still hasn't quite sunken in.
Faske pointed out that Bord Du Lac Drive has no buildings on it so there won't be anyone who has to change their street address or anything like that. There is also the point that much of the work that has been done to improve the civic center grounds, was done during the Mayor's administration, making Bord Du Lac Drive a real natural.
Let's get behind this movement and help make it happen. Look for the Lake Charles City council to take up the issue at their next regular meeting. In the meanwhile, call your City Council person and let them you that you support renaming the street.