Mosquito Outbreak Expected! Be Prepared.
The rain we had all of last week will result in mosquito outbreaks next week. Read on for details and how to seek help.
Here is the press release from the City of Lake Charles.
Outbreak Expected Due to Heavy Rains
Asked to Eliminate Sources of Standing Water
July 13, 2012 – According to Calcasieu Parish Mosquito Control Director Scott Willis,
recent rainfall has created plenty of standing water, which is serving as a
stimulus to hatch large number of mosquitoes. The size and scope of this
outbreak is hard to predict but Mosquito Control is preparing for a significant
increase in overall mosquito populations.
Pinpointing the exact time of emergence is difficult, but officials expect to start seeing
mosquito population increases early next week. Mosquito species involved will
be daytime, as well as nighttime biters. Some species will be capable of
migrating 5-20 miles in search of a blood meal.
Currently the Parish has had numerous days of rainfall accumulation over breeding areas.
Ideally you hope to get rainfall in smaller increments, reducing the possibility
of water standing for long periods. It normally takes 5-8 days of standing
water for development of adult mosquitoes.
All residents are encouraged to do their part in reducing this outbreak. Look for
standing water around your home and eliminate the source. Containers that
collect water such as discarded tires, buckets, flower pots, cans, etc., can be
emptied and stored or thrown away. Eliminating these homegrown mosquito
populations will go a long way toward providing relief around the
Individuals planning outdoor events or activities should be prepared. Use space sprays when
possible and bring along personnel protection such as repellents. Always read
the label of any product being considered to assure its proper use. Also, dress
appropriately when venturing outdoors. This is especially true when out after
dark, the peak activity period for most species of mosquitoes. Wear long pants
and long sleeve shirts light in color, as darker colors tend to serve as an
attractant. Stay away from fragrant colognes and perfumes.
As the weather allows, crews will be monitoring populations to locate problem areas
and spray treatments will be scheduled. To report mosquito problems in your
area, please call 721-3780.