Mike Soileau Finds His Dad’s Angel 15 Years After He Died
So on Monday, August 29th, it would have been my dad, Dave Soileau's 76th birthday. Understand, Me and my father weren't just son and dad but we were best friends. We talked at least once every day if not two to three times each day. We both had the same sense of humor and loved poking fun at one another.
The day before dad died we had seen each other as we went to lunch for his mother's, my grandmother's birthday and he invited me to come to his house that weekend so we planned on it.
Dad died the very next day on September 21st, 2007 of a heart attack while driving his vehicle home from work. It was the worst day of my life. I can remember it like it was yesterday. For years I was told that when he had his heart attack he must have known something was wrong because he just slowed down the car, eased off the side of the road, and stopped.
I was told that there was a person in a vehicle right behind him on the road that witness the car going off the road. I was told that they stopped to render aid to my father until the ambulance came and took him to the hospital.
I was never told who that person was and didn't know their identity until now. On Monday while doing our radio show that morning, I mentioned that it was my dad's birthday and how I missed him every day. That is when I received a Facebook message from a lady and this is what it said.
It took my breath away. She was my father's angel and she tried everything she could to save him. I reached back out to her and said,
Omg that took my breath away when I read it. I can’t thank you enough for what you tried to do for my father. You are truly a saint and I wish nothing but the best for you and your family. One day soon I’d like to meet in person to personally thank you. -- Mike Soileau
I would like to keep her name anonymous but I will just refer to her as My Father's Angel and I can't ever thank her enough for the selfless heroic act she did for my father in his time of need.
Ok, I am crying now, I have to go.
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