We've got a beautiful city here and it's time to take care of an area people see first when they visit Lake Charles - The Beach Sweep is coming up September 20th

Beach Sweep 2014 is actually part of a worldwide effort the clean-up our beautiful beaches, regional coastlines, Inland Waterways and shorelines.

It's more than just a clean up effort. Beach Sweep also helps to protect our oceans and animals that live in them.

By the way, if you have a  shallow draft boat, you help is really needed.

It's very easy to get involved in Beach Sweep 2014 --You can volunteer as an individual or, get together a group at work, school or church and pitch in!

Contact Mason Lindsay (337)436-8809 or Isabel Booth at (337)491-1481.  For more details about Team Green SWLA call 337-491-1440 or email your questions or comments to goteamgreenswla@cityoflc.us.



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