The final installment of the 2023 Cowboy Block Party will take place this Friday night, November 10th, 2023 here in Lake Charles. What is the Cowboy Block Party you ask?

It's a joint effort between Lake Charles Toyota, Deep South Productions, and the McNeese Athletic Foundation who put on free concerts every Friday night before every McNeese football home game.

This year we have seen some great entertainment that has already played. So far this season, The Flamethrowers, Wayne Toups, Steel Shot, and LA Roxx have all performed live in concert.

Block Party Stage (Photo by M Soileau)
Block Party Stage (Photo by M Soileau)

The final Cowboy Block Party will take place this Friday night and feature everyone's favorite party band, The Chee Weez. They are known as the craziest party and tribute band in the land.

So who are the Chee Weez? On their website, they are described as,

The Chee-Weez is a 5 piece tribute/show band that specializes in making sure YOU have a great time and leave with a smile.


EVERYTHING goes at a Chee-Weez show. The Chee-Weez isn’t about 1 genre. They aren’t about 1 style. The Chee-Weez is about FUN. It’s about having a good time with your closest friends, laughing, smiling, and of course, enjoying the PARTY The Chee-Weez strives to bring each and every time they step on stage.


Photo by Mike Soileau TSM
Photo by Mike Soileau TSM

The Cowboy Block Party is located on the corner of Common and McNeese streets in South Lake Charles by the Robert Noland outdoor pavilion. The Cowboy Block Parties are FREE and open to all ages. You can enjoy free parking and free entry.

There will be food trucks on site and great live music. Another cool thing is you are allowed to bring in your own ice chest with whatever you would like to drink meaning alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks.
Don't miss the final show of the year. We will see you out there.

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