Homeless, Severely Matted Dog Rescued and Transformed [VIDEO]
I stole this from my sister's Facebook page and just had to pass it along to you. If you read my article about the dog I rescued, Hank, then you know how I feel about all these great animal rescue services out there.
I adopted from Four Paws here in lake Charles and did I ever come out the winner in that transaction. Hank had been shuffled around quite a bit before he came to me and I couldn't be happier. He's one of the most sweet spirited dogs I've ever seen and he's great with my granddaughters!
Lucky for the dog in this video, he was rescued by an animal rescue service known as Hope for Paws and his future looks great. The back store on this dog, named Dolly, is great as well.
When she was first rescued, she was so matted that they couldn't even determine her sex, but just wait until you see this puppy after a nice grooming!