Exercising — We’re Doing it Wrong — 4 Exercise Myths We All Believe
So, I made this decision a few weeks ago and in a fit of inspiration, I decided to join a gym. Now, I don't work out like the demon I was years ago, but I thought that, given the fact that I spend hours behind a microphone every day, that I just might want to get a bit of exercise.
Since joining the gym, I came across an interesting article in Time Magazine and that article was all about certain exercise myths and why they are not true. These are some pretty commonly believed myths and I think you'll find that knowing about them may help you get in shape or lose weight even faster.
Here you go:
Myth #1 - Doing toe touches before you run can help you avoid injuries - Hey, don't we all do this one? Of course we do! It's a well known fact. Actually, stretches are good, but just touching your toes won't stretch those muscles enough. In stead of toe touches, move around a lot and really stretch your legs muscles.
Myth #2 - Want to lose weight fast? Work out on an empty stomach - Well, other than the fact that you could pass out, it's just not true. Sure you may burn some calories, but without fuel, you'll have a shorter, less effective workout. It's best to eat before you workout so that you have the energy to do your best.
A study in 2014 had one group of women work out on an empty stomach for one month, and another group drank a shake. After four weeks, they all lost the same amount of weight AND fat.
Myth #3: A protein shake after a workout can really get those calories burning. This one is true if you do intense free-weight workouts. If you just do a normal workout, a shake is just adding calories to your diet.
Myth #4 - Drink water, even if you're not thirsty. Ahh, yes, the old water myth. Look, getting dehydrated is no fun. I got so dehydrated once, that I had to be taken to the hospital and re hydrated. Still, it's not necessary to drink a lot of extra water if you're not thirsty. In fact, believe it or not, too much water can lead to a conditions known as hyponatremia and that condition is worse than mild dehydration. Drink when your thirsty. You don't have to swill water all day to keep from dehydrating.
By the ay, the source material for this article came from an excellent book called Fitter Faster by Robert J. Davis