It's like Christmas in July for Cleco customers! The company is giving them a $475 credit on their bills. It could amount to a zero balance not just for July. If your bill isn't that much, the balance will roll over until the amount is depleted. So, how do you know if you qualify?


According to a release on the electric company's website this week,

Cleco customers who have a valid 13-digit account number at the close of business on June 30, 2016, will be eligible for the credit. Cleco will apply the credit to each account for those customers with multiple accounts.

Your 13-digit account number can be found in one of two places.

  • Tracy's Cleco online bill
    Tracy's Cleco online bill

    If you pay online:

    Sign into your account. The "account details" page will be displayed. It's the number in big, bold, blue numbers under the box of options on the left side of the page above the amount.

  • Tracy Cleco paper bill
    Tracy Cleco paper bill

    If you use a paper bill:

    Look at the top right corner of your bill under the date. Your account number is there.

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