Brother of KK’s Corner Victim Wants Case Reopened
July 6th will mark the 20th anniversary of a notorious crime that took place at a store that, at the time, was known as KKs Corner. It was a very popular store and everyone was familiar with it. Since the terrible crime that took place there on July, 6 1997, the store has been renamed, but people near the store still recall that terrible night.
Three innocent people were at KKs on the night of the crime. During the commission of that crime, the robbers herded Stacie Reeves, Marty Le Bouef and Nicole Guidry into a freezer and shot them in cold blood. Now, the brother of Marty LeBouef wants to see that case reopened.
About a year after the tragic event, Thomas Frank Cisco was arrested and convicted of first degree murder. Cisco was sentenced to die, but appealed the verdict and was granted a new trial. Before that new trial could take place, the DA's office was recused and the case was sent to the Louisiana Attorney General's Office. After a lot of legal maneuvering, Cisco finally pleaded guilty to the crime and got 90 years on prison. Seems like that should be the end of the story, but there are way too many unanswered questions about the case.
The biggest problem is that authorities don't believe for a minute that Cisco was the only person involved in this crime and, they are pretty sure that two other people were involved.Back in 2008, Attorney General David Caldwell told KPLC's Theresa Schmidt:
"You do have two other people who were there when this crime was committed and so that's always been something that has surrounded this case from the very, very beginning. We're still making efforts to find out who those individuals are
Former Calcasieu Parish District Attorney, Rick Bryant has always thought that there were two other people involved in this crime. Bryant was in the DA's office back when the crime took place and he prosecuted Cisco in the year 2000.
Here we are some 20 years later and, so far, no additional arrest have been made in this case. Over the years there has been a lot of speculation about the identities of the other two people who were there on that fateful night.
We'll stay on top of this story. here's hoping the case will be reopened and finally put to rest.