Nature & Animals

Rescue Elephant
Rescue Elephant
Rescue Elephant
I guess it's because elephants are just so big and clumsy that we don't really expect them to have such tender emotions, especially when it comes to human beings, but this elephant is quick to come to the rescue when it thinks his friend is in trouble.
Kittens Wearing Tiny Hats [VIDEO]
Kittens Wearing Tiny Hats [VIDEO]
Kittens Wearing Tiny Hats [VIDEO]
Sometimes a Monday really feels like a Monday...and today is one of those Mondays.   How about some fun to counteract a case of the Mondays? Here's a video that is guaranteed to overload your cute meter for the day.  What is it?  Kittens...
Remembering Rita – 10 Years Later [VIDEO]
Remembering Rita – 10 Years Later [VIDEO]
Remembering Rita – 10 Years Later [VIDEO]
Everyone in SWLA remembers where they were 10 years ago today.  Whether you were on the road, far from home or trying to hold down your piece of SWLA, we all know what we were doing on September 24, 2005...the day Rita rolled into our homes and lives and changed them forever...
Cat Logic [VIDEO]
Cat Logic [VIDEO]
Cat Logic [VIDEO]
What do cats think about? Here are some funny examples of cat logic… What is going on in their furry little heads?  Why do they do what they do? We may never know what they are truly thinking, but let's keep laughing at their strange cat logic...
Hysterical Opera Cat — [VIDEO]
Hysterical Opera Cat — [VIDEO]
Hysterical Opera Cat — [VIDEO]
Cats are strange little creatures.  They live in their own little world and don't seem to have much use for humans. Yes, their human slaves provide food, clean litter boxes, and furniture for their daily naps, but that's not all.  Sometimes the little furballs need their humans for petting, scratching and playing...
Dog & Owner perform “You’re the One That I Want” [VIDEO]
Dog & Owner perform “You’re the One That I Want” [VIDEO]
Dog & Owner perform “You’re the One That I Want” [VIDEO]
Videos like this make me think that some people have too much time on their hands.  But, you've really got to respect the dedication that went into this routine. Most dog shows have a perfunctory walk where the owners have their dogs walk beside them but this takes it to a whole new level...

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