Thousands of Taxpayers Have Not Paid Back Owed State Taxes
Over six-thousand Louisiana taxpayers have yet to repay the state after a computer glitch last March sent them a double tax refund. Louisiana Department of Revenue spokesperson Byron Henderson says only half of the individuals given an extra refund in error have yet to repay the state.
“We sent letters actually to 12,650 taxpayers, the 62-hundred that are outstanding are those who have not responded, have not paid the money that is owed,” said Henderson.
Henderson says ignoring collection letters for the amount owed will only delay the inevitable.
“If they don’t respond by paying the amount due, we will apply all collection activities until the balanced is satisfied,” said Henderson.
Collection efforts include offsetting state and Federal tax returns, wage garnishments and bank levies.
Henderson says procrastinating about what is owed can be costly, late fees are owed on the debt as well.
“There is a late payment penalty of 5% per month up to a maximum of 25%,” said Henderson.
The total amount of repayment yet to be paid is $1.9 million. If you owe money to the state contact the department to return the amount in a lump sum or set up a repayment plan.