They’rreee Baacck! Love Bugs and How to Deal With Them
It's time for our twice a year infestation of love bugs and with the proliferation of white cars these days, they're a bigger problem than ever. We've all been there when it comes to these pesky critters that serve no purpose other than to keep car washes in business, While they are quite a problem, there are a few things you can do to lessen the damage they can cause to your car's finish.
I decided to go in search of some ways to at least strike some kind of blow against these pests and I found a great article out of Florida on a site called, "Good news Pest Solutions."
Here are a few ways to deal with those nasty bugs:
To cut down on love bugs in and around your home, Pest Solutions has several suggestions:
1. Spray insect repellent around all your outside doors.
2. Turn on your ceiling fan. that will keep the bugs from flying around the room.
3. Use Mosquito candles.
4. Keep your lawn mowed
Of course, our main problem seems to be keep the bugs from sticking to your car and causing damage to the finish. here are a few things you can do to protect your car:
1. Spray your car with non-stick cooking spray. A lot of people also use WD-40 and it works great for this purpose.
2. Wax your car- There's nothing like a nice coating of car wax to keep the bugs from sticking and damaging the paint job.
You can also make you're own, safe bug repellent. You probably have most of these items in your home right now.
Mix warm water with a citrus-scented detergent, like an orange or lemon dish soap.Believe it or not, the next ingredient is mouthwash. Yep, plain old mouthwash. Just mix the citrus dish detergent with the mouthwash, shake it up and spray away. The bugs hate it and it won't bother people or pets!