The Most Snake Infested Lakes In Louisiana
You might want to be a little more cautious when you boat, fish, and play in these lakes in Louisiana.
Louisiana is known as the "Sportsman's Paradise" because of our many forests and lakes. It's the perfect habit for an abundance of wildlife, which includes snakes.
The Most Snake Infested Lakes In Louisiana:
5. Lake D’Arbonne
Lake D’Arnonne boosts over 100 miles of shoreline and resides in two different parishes (Lincoln and Union).
Snakes found in Lake D'Arboone:
- Common garter snake
- Western ribbon snake
- Banded watersnake
- Speckled kingsnake
- Western ratsnake
- Northern cottonmouth
- Eastern copperhead
4. Caddo Lake
Caddo Lake is the biggest natural freshwater lake in the South and has the Cypress Forest in the world. It's also an internationally protected wetland under the RAMSAR Treaty.
Snakes found in Caddo Lake:
- Northern cottonmouth
- Western Ratsnake
- North American racer
3. Calcasieu Lake
Calcasieu Lake is near the Louisiana-Texas border. It's mostly brackish marshland that feeds into the Gulf of Mexico.
Snakes found in Calcasieu Lake:
- Pygmy rattlesnake
- Timber rattlesnake
- Eastern copperhead
- Northern cottonmouth
- Eastern coralsnake
- Texas coralsnake
- Western ratsnake
- Speckled kingsnake
- Rough greensnake
- Scarletsnake
- North American racer
- Coachwhip
- Mudsnake
- Eastern hognose snake
- Ring-necked snake
- Glossy swampsnake
- Rough earthsnake
- Plain-bellied watersnake
- Mississippi green watersnake
- Saltmarsh snake
- Banded watersnake
- Diamondback watersnake
- Graham’s crayfish snake
- Dekay’s brownsnake
- Red-bellied snake
- Western ribbon snake
2. Lake Maurepas
Lake Maurepas stands out among other lakes in Louisiana because there are no cities, factories, or any developments of any kind on its shores.
Snakes found in Lake Maurepas:
- Common garter snake
- Common ribbon snake
1. Lake Pontchartrain
Even though it's called a lake, Lake Pontchartrain is an estuary with several rivers flowing into it.
Snakes found in Lake Pontchartrain:
- Ball python
- Brahminy blindsnake
- Pygmy rattlesnake
- Timber rattlesnake
- Eastern copperhead
- Northern cottonmouth
- Gray ratsnake
- Western ratsnake
- Corn snake
- Black kingsnake
- Speckled kingsnake
- Scarlet kingsnake
- Rough greensnake
- Scarlet snake
- North American racer
- Mudsnake
- Eastern hognose snake
- Pine woods littersnake
- Eastern worm snake
- Ring-necked snake
- Glossy swampsnake
- Common garter snake
- Common ribbon snake
- Common watersnake