
Twinkie the Kid Rides Again
Twinkie the Kid Rides Again
Twinkie the Kid Rides Again
The period of mourning is over! Twinkies will not only be back on the shelves, but they will have an even longer shelf life! But, it's not just Twinkies that will return; We'll also have Dong Dongs and other great junk food again.
This Summer — The Return of Twinkies
This Summer — The Return of Twinkies
This Summer — The Return of Twinkies
Yes, let the celebrations begin, the Twinkie will be back on store shelves this summer.the truth of the matter is, I haven't eaten a Twinke in ages. Still, when they stopped making them, it suddenly seemed that I had to have one. I mean, really, they took another part of my childhood and did away with it. Without my permission I might add. Does the following story sound familiar?
Why Pay Thousands For Twinkies?  Here’s The Recipe.
Why Pay Thousands For Twinkies? Here’s The Recipe.
Why Pay Thousands For Twinkies? Here’s The Recipe.
In the wake of the closing of Hostess, many are worried that they won't be able to get Twinkies, and driving the prices of the snack cakes up to absurd degrees on eBay. Good thing the recipe is easy to find, if you're not made of money.
Hostess Hunting
Hostess Hunting
Hostess Hunting
My wife posted on facebook last night that I was to search for remaining Hostess snacks for her this morning. I was already going grocery shopping so I added Hostess snacks to the list. I was wondering if there had been a run on the soon to dissapear goodies.