
The Story of Taps
The Story of Taps
The Story of Taps
Do you know the true meaning the real story behind TAPS? As we remember those who have given so much for us this Memorial Day let us take a moment to learn more about one of the saddest yet peaceful songs that we will ever hear.
Cell Phones For Soldiers
Cell Phones For Soldiers
Cell Phones For Soldiers
We take our cell phones for granted. We take the communication that they provide for granted. Our soldiers in other parts of the world are not so lucky and could use our help.
Iraq Again?
Iraq Again?
Iraq Again?
President Obama finds himself at a cross road. He ran his campaign on getting the US out of Iraq. Now ISIS is turning Iraq into a battlefield again. Even Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder is concerned about ISIS. Time quotes him as saying ISIS is “more frightening than anything I think I’ve seen as attorney general...
President Obama Ends Ban on Gays in the Military
President Obama Ends Ban on Gays in the Military
President Obama Ends Ban on Gays in the Military
On Friday, President Obama joined Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Adm. Mike Mullen in formally signing a document certifying that military readiness would not be hurt by allowing gays in the military. The notice will now be sent to Congress. The action officially repeals the 17-year-old “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy enacted during the Clinton Administration and begins the 60-day waiting period