lake charles Christmas events 2012

Local Band SugarSkull and Josephine Perform for Toy Donations
Local Band SugarSkull and Josephine Perform for Toy Donations
Local Band SugarSkull and Josephine Perform for Toy Donations
Folks in the Lake Area love to help out less fortunate people and the Lake Area musicians are certainly no exception. I ran into my friend Kim Janes at the grocery store the other day and she told me that she and her band SugarSkull and Josephine will be performing a special show to collect toys for kids right here in the lake Area! Great idea! Here are the details:
Christmas Events at the Children’s Museum
Christmas Events at the Children’s Museum
Christmas Events at the Children’s Museum
Lake Charles is very lucky to have such a great Children's Museum. It's a great place for kids to have fun, of course, but the museum is constantly updating it's exhibits and offers kids and families to learn about a wide range of subjects. Starting Saturday, December 8th, and each 2nd Saturday following, The Children's Museum will feature special exhibits from the world of science. The project is