Local Band SugarSkull and Josephine Perform for Toy Donations
Folks in the Lake Area love to help out less fortunate people and the Lake Area musicians are certainly no exception. I ran into my friend Kim Janes at the grocery store the other day and she told me that she and her band SugarSkull and Josephine will be performing a special show to collect toys for kids right here in the lake Area! Great idea!
Here are the details:
This is gonna be A Rockin' Christmas Party! Claymation Cartoon theme.. with Lots of 80s+ music... & we might even throw in some Christmas tunes just for you! This will also be a Toys For Tots Benefit! $8 cover OR $5 cover if you donate a toy! Come dressed 80s, as your favorite Christmas cartoon character... or just be YOU. We don't care, as long as you are HERE! We love YOU!