Thousands of Louisiana residents have had their social security information compromised. Here's how to verify if your information was part of the data breach.
Louisiana Medicare recipients you're about to get a phone call that might cost you your benefits. Here's the answers you'll need to give to avoid an interruption.
The Federal Trade Commission has identified two Louisiana towns as hot beds for crimes such as credit card fraud and ID theft. Those two towns have one really big thing in common.
Should those plastic key cards be recycled or is there a danger of you exposing your personal information? Here is the definitive answer for all who travel to consider.
During the course of the investigation, agents discovered 121 children’s identities from across the country had been stolen in order to create these fake identities.
Local man arrested for using counterfeit money that read “Motion Picture Use Not Legal Tender" to purchase a cell phone. He's also charged with identity theft.
This is not news anyone wants to hear, but it's a reality we now have to deal with. There are reports that credit card skimmers have turned up at several locations around our area at banks and at some area gas pumps as well. The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office is warning people to be vigilant to prevent being the next victim...