Think about then number 3 million. Three million is a lot of anything! A federal judge has determined that 3.19 million barrels of oil were released into the gulf by the BP oil spill.
This is a case of judges looking over other judges rulings. It is also a case of BP wanting to change the rules after the public outcry has subsided. In this case the new ruling basically instructs courts to stick with the original plan of compensating all of those who say they were affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.
Why didn't I think of this? No room to build a water park or land just too expensive? Well why not build it on a rig like an oil well and anchor it just offshore. It could be a water theme park rig and educational center (or just an April Fools prank.)
The FBI is looking into fraud in the BP settlement payments. The good news is that the investigation is not about Louisiana claims. The other news is that BP must continue to make the settlement payments.
We have all seen the two headed fish on the Simpsons supposedly caused by the nuclear reactor where Homer works. No we may be seeing real mutant fish and other creatures in the gulf due to the BP spill.