Back in 2014 a judge ruled that stationary traffic cameras were unconstitutional essentially because they're unfair to drivers.  Well, a small town suburb just north of Cincinnati missed that email, apparently.

Close up of speed camera / photo radar flashing
UIG via Getty Images

The City of New Miami, Ohio has been ordered to pay back citizens about $3 million in fines collected over a 15 month period in which 45,000 people were cited.  Now the city has to repay that money to drivers who brought a class action lawsuit.

Judge Michael Oester said the village had an unfair advantage over the speeders.

Judge Raymond Dougan, Chief Justice At Brooke Courthouse
Boston Globe via Getty Images

If my arithmetic is correct - 15 months equals 450 days - 45,000 drivers works out to about 100 drivers per day, and at $3 mill - that's about $65 per driver per day.  A nice tidy sum for the little city on US 127 a major highway that runs through the village to Cincinnati.

Now, in compliance with state laws of Ohio officers use hand held cameras.  Police officials in New Miami said the cameras were for ensuring safety and never intended for making money.

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