Make plans to come out for a great cause that will benefit a non-profit organization and kick start a healthier you in the process. On Saturday, Nov 13, 2021, from 9 am- 10 at the Prien Lake Park Amphitheater. Rise Up For The Community is a community event that is geared to supporting local charities and non-profit organizations. There will be half & half workouts that will include 30 minutes of non-contact kickboxing from Phoenix Phitness and 30 minutes of Zumba of Lake Charles.

If you would like to participate, the fee is only $5 to join with 100% of the proceeds going to Autism Scholars Inc. However if you are not able to participate, you can still make a donation of any amount for the cause.

If you are unaware of the Autism Scholars is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create opportunities for children who are diagnosed with autism and other developmental disabilities. There are 2 ways in which they are helped and that is with a Scholarship Fund and Teacher Workshop.

Also, Autism Scholars awarded $6,000 in Scholarships from the 2020-2021 school year and $7,125 for the 2021-202 school year. If you would like to make a donation to the cause, please Venmo @phoenixPhitnessLLC, CashApp- $PhoenixPhitnessLLC, or PayPal- m14johnson. Remember any amount is accepted if you are not participating in the workout.

If you would like to call for more details, call Mike Johnson at 337-477-7354.


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