Man Putts Off Gator
A golfer on a Fort Meyers golf course was walking near a water hazard when he was suddenly attacked by a ten-foot alligator.
The gator had him by the ankle and started dragging him backwards into the water – the golfer, Tony Aarts began beating the gator on the head with the club he had in his hand – a Cleveland brand putter but to no avail – soon the man was up to his waist in the water and the gator was gaining ground.
The golfer said he and the gator were virtually eye to eye when he had the idea of beating the gator in the eyes with the heavy putter – he hit the gator three times in the eye-socket and finally the reptile loosened his grip and by that time his friends were on the scene and helped pull him out of the death trap.
And I think of all the times my friends and I sauntered into the water holes here to get "free" balls. Those could have cost us an arm or a leg!
The moral of the story is: always keep a club in your hand when on a golf course and think twice, or three or four times before you wade into the water trap for a ball.