LCPD Warns to Beware of “Jugging”
It's called "jugging," and the Lake Charles Police Department is informing residents to be mindful when entering and leaving financial institutions. Someone could be watching your every move in an attempt to steal your transaction.
LCPD is currently investigating an incident where an "an unsuspecting customer enters into a bank or other financial institution empty handed and exits carrying a bank bag or envelope. Unbeknownst to the customer is that someone is watching them enter and depart the bank. The suspect then follows the banking customer in hopes they will stop off somewhere, leaving their banking transaction in their vehicle. The suspect breaks into the banking customer’s vehicle and departs with the customer’s transaction."
There have been several offenses in 2015 that brought arrests.
A jugging incident took place on Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. in the 900 block of 3rd Avenue in Lake Charles. The Sulphur Police Department is also handling two jugging offenses that took place on Tuesday.
All three incidents are believed to be related.