A Louisiana parent uses a giant Halloween skeleton borrowed from their next-door neighbor to help her child sell Girl Scout cookies and promote Girl Scouts in Louisiana.

Rene Brinlee says their neighbor, Donnie Louviere, loves his 12-foot skeleton so much that he puts it up for Halloween and subsequent holidays.

The idea popped up of using the skeleton to help Brinlee's daughter, Leila, promote selling cookies from the Girl Scouts.

Girl Scouts Sell Cookies
Photo by John Moore/Getty Images

Where Did The Skeleton Come From?

Rene decided it would be fantastic if she borrowed the skeleton named Le-Roi, and Louviere loved the idea. This is the second year Le-Roi is helping Leila spread her message about the cookies being for sale and her enjoyment of the Girl Scouts.

Louviere says,

The reason I enjoy helping others is because you just never know when it will be your turn to need a hand. For many years, my kids were in many school and extracurricular activities, which had MANY MANY fundraiser opportunities. I find it's my obligation to return the favor. I've always been a person who likes to give back as much as possible.

As Louviere points out, the giant skeleton is called Giant Juliette, Girl Scout Extraordinaire, now that she is wearing the uniform that Rene made! They love the Girl Scouts so much that they named their giant skeleton, Girl Scout Juliette, after the founder of the Girl Scouts, Juliette Gordon Low.

Leila was able to sell 1,000 boxes of cookies last year, and this year, she has set a goal of 1,350 boxes of cookies.

Girl Scouts Cookies
Photo by John Moore/Getty Images

Juliette Has Two New Friends?

This is so much fun, and if you are selling Girl Scout cookies, you need to have an edge over the other sellers. The cookies are scrumptious, but many girls are out there trying to sell cookies, so you have to make a splash, and Giant Juliette certainly does that!

Oh, and by the way, Giant Juliette is not alone. She has two new "skelly" friends this year, one on each side of her! They are named Savannah and Georgia. There is even a Facebook page for Giant Juliette, which you can check out below.

The cookies are already so good everyone wants to sell them, and we probably get hit up twice a day by people we know asking us if we're going to buy them!

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Photo courtesy of Renee

How Do You Buy Some Of Leila and Giant Juliette's Cookies?

By learning a little about Leila, you can learn how to get your hands on some cookies. On her website, Leila talks about her "Cookie Story".

She writes about why she is involved with the program and how it helps her along with the community,

We are saving up to go to Girl Scouts National Convention in Washington D.C. in 2026. We also want to help our Girl Scout community by making Camp Bon Temps better for future campers. I learned how to set goals and achieve them. I also learn how to talk to people and not get scared.

Now, to the cookies. It's easy to get yourself a box or two or ten. You can follow this link to purchase all the delicious Girl Scout cookies that you love.

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Photo courtesy of Renee

LOOK: Food history from the year you were born

From product innovations to major recalls, Stacker researched what happened in food history every year since 1921, according to news and government sources.

Gallery Credit: Joni Sweet