Are You Working at One of Louisiana’s Most Stressful Jobs?
Stress has often been said to the number one killer in America. says that four of the top five causes of death are stress-related: heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and stroke.
According to the website, stress can cause a myriad of health issues.
While stress is a natural response to perceived danger, chronic stress can lead to physical and mental health complications and early death.
As the site goes on to explain, certain situations are just stressful and can actually lead us to an improved performance. Sort of that "greatness under fire" mentality.
However, it's chronic stress that can literally suck the life from someone. Not only can it drain a person of their "quality of life", it can actually rob years from their life, ending in a premature death.
So, as a person considers a career path, the stress factor that job inherently puts on those working in that trade, should certainly be a consideration. I've often said that the reason some people's salaries are so much higher than others, is because they are being paid for their sacrifices. In the case of highly stressful jobs, they're actually sacrificing their lives.
So, what jobs are the most stressful? Is your occupation one of those that could cost you years of your life?
The Department of Labor just ranked jobs according to how common high-stress situations and high-stakes decisions are and these are some of the most stressful occupations you'll find in Louisiana. To see the complete list, go to
The #1 Most Stressful Job is Urologists
#2 Film and Video Editors
#3 Anesthesiologist Assistants
#4 Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates
#5 Telephone Operators
#6 Acute Care Nurses
#7 Obstetricians and Gynecologists
#8 Public Safety Telecommunicators
#9 First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers
#10 Nurse Anesthetists
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Gallery Credit: Gary McCoy