I am no baseball fan per se, but even I am disgusted by the latest allegations against the Houston Astros.

I must admit, I don't follow the sport of baseball all that much. However, the sport is close to my heart.. As a kid, baseball was my only true passion. I loved everything about it, and I especially loved the art of baseball. The pure art of someone absolutely chunking a baseball at you and within a split-second, you have to find a way to hit it. I love that ballet between batter and pitcher.

That's beautiful, to me anyways.

I, like many of you reading this, rooted for the Astros hard in 2017 as they made their 2017 World Series run. Now, amid extreme sign-stealing accusations, I don't think I've ever felt more ashamed to ever love the sport of baseball, and certainly ashamed for rooting for the Astros.

Last week, after a lengthy investigation, the MLB suspended the Astros' team manager and general manager. Later that day, they were both fired effective immediately. That sign-stealing scam involved a monitor in the hallway behind the dugout, where a player/coach would sit and steal signs, while slamming a trash can to alert the batter of an offspeed pitch.

That alone is disgusting, to me anyways.

Today, a new wrinkle in the plot has come to light. After Mets' manager Carlos Beltran was fired from the team for his part in the Astros cheatathon in 2017, his "niece" decided to tell-all on Twitter. Now, she claimed to be his niece, but Beltran's family quickly announced the Twitter user was of no relation. Fans and MLB players alike believe that the user was simply a burner account for someone close to the situation. The user always knew about Beltran getting hired and fired by the Mets before anyone else.

This user tweeted that Astros stars like Altuve and Bregman were wearing buzzers tapped to their back shoulder that would alert them ahead of an off-speed pitch.

As I read that today, I couldn't believe it. I didn't think any professional would stoop so low. Then the videos started coming in.

In this one, you see Astros star Jose Altuve hit a walk-off home run to send the Astros to the World Series. As he's coming home, he screams at his teammates to not touch his jersey, and cradled his jersey tightly until he made it out of the celebration. From there, instead of celebrating with his team on the field, he (completely by himself) sprinted off the field into the dugout and into the clubhouse. Moments later, he emerged to join the celebration wearing a new t-shirt.

Sorry, but the buzzers makes too much sense after seeing this video.



The bottom line is this: If the Astros were wearing sticky buzzers under their jersey to alert them before upcoming pitches, that is an absolute disgrace, The Astros should be stripped of their 2017 World Series title, and all players' involved should receive a lifetime ban from the sport.


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