In case you haven't heard, the Eagles will be getting together for a MASSIVE tour and will be playing 'Hotel California' in its entirety, cover to cover. Which, is pretty awesome. Even better than that, the band will be bringing this massive show to Dallas. And, on top of that, it was just announced that the Eagles will be adding a 3rd Dallas date!

Originally, the Eagles were set to play the American Airlines Center February 29th and March 1st. But, the demand was so overwhelming, that a third date has now been added. The Eagles will be returning to the AAC for a 3rd show on March 17th!

Eagles 2

So, if you were worried that you might miss out on seeing the Eagles perform their most iconic album, you'll have a third shot to see the show! (And if this is your first time ever seeing the Eagles, you are going to be in for an AMAZING treat. The band is absolutely incredible)

Tickets to see the Eagles in Dallas go on sale to the general public Friday at 10 am at We'll also be giving away tickets to the make sure you download the Highway 98.9 app!

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