The Exact Time The Solar Eclipse Will Happen In Fort Worth, Texas
We have the precise time you need to be outside to see the solar eclipse in Fort Worth, Texas this coming Monday. Don't miss it, or you'll have to wait until 2044 to see another one in the Lone Star state.
Only 15 total solar eclipses have been recorded happening over the USA in the last 150 years.
What is a solar eclipse?
Solar eclipses happen when the moon precisely lines up with Earth's orbit around the sun, obstructing Earth's view of the sun. The Latin "eclipsis," which was derived from the Greek "ekleipsis," is where the word "eclipse" first appeared.
The 2024 solar eclipse will begin in Mexico and travel in the USA starting in Texas and ending in far eastern coast of Canada.
Where's the best place in Texas to watch the eclipse? says:
The best of Texas weather prospects—in fact, the best prospects in the United States and Canada—lies on the Edwards Plateau, where median cloud amounts are as much as 15 percent lower than those south of the centre line on the Coastal Plain. We can be even more specific: according to the satellite data, the best climatological prospects lie between Junction and Brady, both in Texas.
Safety first. You can't watch a solar eclipse with your bare eyes. You could ruin your sight permanently. You need specially designed glasses to protect your eyes.
States in the "path of totality" for the 2024 solar eclipse include Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
When will the solar eclipse happen in Fort Worth, Texas?
The 2024 solar eclipse will begin at the border of Texas and Mexico around Eagle Pass at 1:27pm CST on Monday April 8th.
Here are times when the eclipse will be happening in Austin, Texas:
- Fort Worth - 1:40pm - 1:44pm
The solar eclipse will last only 4 mins 21 secs as it travels across North America. The path of totality will be 118.4 miles wide and the moon's shadow will be traveling at 1,676 mph.
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Gallery Credit: Chaz