Pink Floyd eventually morphed into into three discreet, often very different frontman-driven eras, and fans have been choosing sides ever since.

Do you prefer the trippy psychedelia of their earliest recordings with Syd Barrett? Roger Waters' literary excursions? The career-closing David Gilmour period? Each has their laudable attributes, and their many, many adherents.

The issue is clouded further by the fact that Barrett's tenure overlapped with Gilmour, and that Gilmour made a number of important contributions during Waters' most productive time in the band. So these bar-stool arguments will likely last as long as music is played.

Luckily, we won't ever be forced to choose between those guys. You're free to enjoy albums like Saucerful of Secrets, The Dark Side of the Moon and The Division Bell, giving each its own due.

Not every track is created equal, however, even on those beloved studio projects. Setting aside the frontman debate doesn't extinguish the burning question: What's the best song on every Pink Floyd album?

We tasked Bryan Wawzenek with figuring it all out. That meant occasionally breaking out individually titled songs from legendary studio efforts, while also staying true to those moments – as on Wish You Were Here or The Endless River – when Pink Floyd presented tracks as multi-part suites.

A few key moments were inevitably left off, since the band released some terrific stand-alone singles early on. But the focus here was on officially released original studio LPs. Which ones made the final cut? Keep scrolling as we determine the best song on every Pink Floyd album.

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