Beautiful Aerial Video of Christmas Lights in One South Louisiana Town
This beautiful aerial video is from downtown Crowley, the Acadia Parish town about halfway between Lafayette and Lake Charles. If you take a drive there one evening, make sure to stop in front of the historic building where City Hall is located and tune in to the short wave radio that provides the soundtrack for the synchronized light display.
It's pretty fascinating, and I know it makes my smile reach my eyes every time I see it!
The older I get, the more I appreciate the things that make my heart feel good. I have a dear friend that signs off the air every day with a quote by Art Buchwald:
The best things in life aren't things.
He is so right!
Beautiful lights. A hug you really feel. A smile from a stranger. A compliment you weren't expecting. A cup of coffee in bed. A text to say, "Hi. I was thinking of you and hope you're having a great day." Flowers poking through the sidewalk cracks (as Uncle Kracker sings in one of my favorite songs).
I hope this video from my hometown of Crowley makes you smile like it did for me.
Merry Christmas!