Somewhere in America someone is saying 'WHAT leftover candy?'. Haha. That was me, before I decided that it wasn't such a great idea to have all that sugar and (delicious) calories sitting on the kitchen counter for the next couple of weeks. But  has some great uses for all the excess goodies your kids will bring home this week after Halloween festivities. Some of my favorites are below, but be sure to check out the whole list for some pretty incredible tips. Happy Halloween, y'all.

  • Freeze it. You can always throw in some yummy chocolate in shakes, cookie dough, and ice cream
  • Bake it into cakes. Fun size bars are perfect for this, and you can even decorate with cut up bars too.
  • DIY Trail Mix. I'm definitely going to use this one
  • Make homemade flavored vodka.
  • Drop some chocolate into your coffee o turn it into a DIY mocha
  • Use the colorful tinfoil for crafts or gift wrapping.
  • Make a homemade Advent Calendar with the smaller treats
  • Use as a Science Experiment. Here's how.
  • Use for decorations on your holiday gingerbread house
  • Stuff into a piñata for birthday parties
  • Send to our troops overseas. Here's how


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