5 Things We Didn’t Realize Were Important Until The Pandemic Hit
I remember when things were starting to change in 2020. Lake Charles was just in for what was going to be a devastating year and we had no idea just how bad it would be. I remember getting ready on a Saturday for a live remote at a local business. The talk about the Coronavirus was all over and all I knew was I needed to get some sanitizer as I would probably be shaking hands that day.
I went by 3 different stores on my way there and there was not any sanitizer at any of those locations. Needless to say, I was a little anxious about getting through the day and couldn't wait until I could get to the nearest bathroom to wash my hands. It made me think of some things that were an afterthought before the pandemic hit.
Sure I would use some occasionally if I were going to lunch and wanted to eat in my car. On those occasions, there was no bathroom near, but I knew that whatever was on my hand would be killed from Sanitizer, or at least I hoped. When the pandemic hit, you could hardly find it anywhere and if you did the price was a little more than you'd want to pay for it.
Things have gotten a little better now. But when the pandemic first hit, finding water was almost a luxury. Many of the stores were empty and the aisles were very bare at the minimum. Whether you were looking to buy a case of a few gallons. It took a while before things got back to some type of normalcy.
Hanging Out With Friends
Sure we know a lot more about the various strains of the Coronavirus, but at first, we were missing out on seeing our friends and loved ones because of it. There was fear of spreading or catching it and rightfully so as we just didn't have all of the correct information. Thankfully we know more and are able to do this with discretion. We didn't realize how important our family and friends were until we had to be apart longer than we wanted.
Face Mask
The only time I truly remember seeing a person wearing a mask a lot of their face was during the prime of Michael Jacksons' career. While we questioned why he was wearing them. I assumed like many that it was a fashion statement. Now with almost everyone wearing them, the price and interest in them have gone up tremendously.
Toilet Paper
Do I really need to say why this is important? Sure we all had some around the house, but when the pandemic started taking over things, water and tissue were almost obsolete regardless of where you went. You would have thought it was the end of the world as grocery baskets were stocked with what seemed like all of the tissue in the store, and all I wanted was a pack.
Thankfully things have gotten better but we still have a long way to go. Are there some things that maybe you took for granted that you realize are important now?
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