10 Louisiana Hot Weather Hacks
Here in SWLA, it has been very hot. For this reason, some people will do anything to stay cool.
Online, there are several "hot weather hacks" that are popular. Like most "hacks," some of them are ingenious, others are stupid, and just a small percentage are genuinely helpful.
Here are a few:
1. Fasten your seat belt before you leave the car so that the metal buckle won't be too hot to touch when you get back in.
2. If your home's HVAC system is having trouble keeping the house cool, a dirty filter may be to blame.
3. Make sure your fan is set to rotate counterclockwise to create a downdraft and direct colder air toward you.
4. Don't open all the windows when you start your car. The cross breeze will be significantly stronger if only the driver's and passenger's windows are rolled down.
5. Lay your sandals face-down when you take them off. Your feet won't get burnt when you put them back on this way.
6. To increase the cooling benefits of your suntan lotion, place it in the refrigerator.
7. Store a couple plastic bottles of water that are three-quarters full in the freezer. Place the bottle in front of a fan when the water is frozen, and then spin it after it is thawed.
8. While your oven is on, place a sizable pot of cool water on the stove below the hood vent. In the summer, it will aid in keeping your kitchen cool.
9. While it may be tempting to have your windows open in the summer if you don't have air conditioning, you should close any windows and drapes that face the sun. One person even advised covering a window with your car's windshield shade.
10. Soaking your shirt in water and wearing it afterwards is the simplest technique to stay cool in extreme heat. Obviously, depending on the situation, the wet t-shirt appearance is not always suitable.