Will Louisiana Move Into Phase Three Reopening Today?
Governor John Bel Edwards will be holding a press conference later today to announce if Louisiana will be moving forward into Phase Three protocol for reopening our state.
The governor and his advisors have been looking hard at COVID-19 data sets and trends. There is a possibility that we could be staying in Phase Two for the time being, with many more coronavirus cases showing up in the last couple of weeks.
However, Gov. Edwards did mention last week that, so far, he is not deviating from his plan to reopen the state.
Robert Travis Scott, Public Affairs Research Council President, told the Louisiana Radio Network the recent uptick of cases would have an impact on the governor's decision. However, Scott also mentioned that, even with the recent spike in confirmed coronavirus cases, these numbers aren't enough to overtake our current healthcare capacity in Louisiana.
State officials did expect an increase in COVID-19 cases from Phase One to Phase Two, not only because of the easing of public restrictions across the state, but also due to the fact the testing for the virus is more readily available.
Edwards is expected to address the state at 2:30pm today.