Don't have a fireplace, no problem. These are the best-handpicked videos that will turn any screen into a fireplace that looks so real you'll almost feel the heat.

These are the best fireplace videos and are available with or with music. Most are in high-definition and are ad-free. Hear the crackle of the fire with or without music, simply turn up the volume.

For Christmas or whenever you feel the need to relax, these are hand-selected fireplace videos and scenes that look and sound like authentic fireplaces. There is even the actual fireplace from Elvis' Presley's home Graceland in Memphis presented in 3D Surround so you feel like you are actually in Elvis Presley's living room.

Fireplace Scenes Without Music

Fireplace Scenes With Music

Fireplace at Elvis Presley's Home Graceland in Memphis

LOOK: See what Christmas was like the year you were born

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