Say what you will about "old wives' tales", but I live and die by quite a few I learned from my grandmother growing up. Her entire family lived on a farm, my great uncle competed in rose growing competitions and my grandmother had a few runs at record-breaking cauliflower from her own garden. I'd say that justifies the crazy phrases she would come up with when it came to expecting certain types of weather. One that I still live by is her famous phrase,

Thunder in February, cold spell in April

My mother and I listen every February for thunder and mark it on the calendar. Still to this day I can tell when it's going to be cold in the area within a day or so of that February date.

So what's the deal with the Persimmon seeds? Well, they can predict our winter and these are showing a snowy one it seems! In order to properly predict your upcoming winter with said seeds, you need to know the following shapes that they can make once cut in half:

Spoon-If shaped like a spoon, we will have plenty of snow to shovel.

Fork-A mild winter, with possible light snow.

Knife-Frigid winter including winds that will "cut" like a knife. 

Lynn and Tim Malone cut their seeds open and revealed spoons! The Malones are located just south of Tyler, Texas so they might get a bit colder than we will down here in SWLA, but it's still a good test of what we might be expecting this year for our winter.

Facebook, Lynn Time Malone
Facebook, Lynn Time Malone

I do remember quite a few posts from last year with people talking about their seeds showing knives. That did translate into one heck of a winter and a total freeze as well. Hopefully this year, we will just deal with some snow and NOT freezing ice!

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