Another installment of the Cowboy's Block Party is coming your way this Friday night when The Band Of Heathens headline the event this Friday, Oct. 14. The Cowboy Block Parties are awesome and free to attend.

So far this year, the Cowboy's Block Party has had The Chee Weez and Three-Thirty-Seven play live. The grove was packed full of fans of the bands and of the McNeese Cowboy's football program.

That is what this is all about. Lake Charles Toyota, Legacy Jewelers, Chick-Fil-A of  Lake Charles, and the McNeese Athletic Foundation put on the Cowboy's Block Party for the Southwest Louisiana residents to have a fun thing to do each week before every home football game.

This Friday, The Band Of Heathens will hit the stage for the block party. They are known for their monster hit song Hurricane.

The party is free to enter and open to all ages. You are encouraged to bring your lawn chair and it's BYOB so put your favorite beverages in your ice chest and come on! The gates open at 6:00 pm at the Robert Nolan Pavillion on the corner of Common and McNeese Streets in South Lake Charles.

attachment-McNeese Block Parties 2022 picture

Background music starts at 7:00 pm and the band hits the stage around 7:30 pm. There are still three more Cowboy Block Parties scheduled this year which still include Wayne Toups, LA ROXX, and The Bag Of Donuts. Here is the entire lineup above.

So get your lawn chairs, ice chest, and your family and friends together, and come have some fun this Friday night in lake Charles.

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