
Get Paid $3,000 To Have The Swine Flu
Get Paid $3,000 To Have The Swine Flu
Get Paid $3,000 To Have The Swine Flu
While living in Baton Rouge I drove by the Pennington Bio Research facility everyday. They had a big sign out front advertising what research projects they would pay people for participating in. This goes along those same lines.
Join 92.9 The Lake And Volunteers To Help Rebuild Millennium Park!
Join 92.9 The Lake And Volunteers To Help Rebuild Millennium Park!
Join 92.9 The Lake And Volunteers To Help Rebuild Millennium Park!
It’s incredible to see the citizens of Lake Charles come together to improve their community in the wake of the Millennium Park fire, and we here at Fun Radio want to be a part of that movement. Between Oct. 26 and Nov. 6, volunteers are going to undo what a teenage arsonist heartlessly did last January. By restoring the park, we’re coming together in a positive way – and we hope you’ll join us! R