Steven Spielberg makes his triumphant return to the silver screen with his movie adaptation of a wildly popular sci-fi novel from 2011, Radio Player One!
Black Panther is now the highest grossing Superhero movie of all time, but that didn't keep another movie from grabbing the number 1 spot this weekend at the box office!
3 new movies dominated the theaters this weekend! Are you looking to catch a flick this week? Then check out our list to see what movies are the best that Hollywood has to offer!
Jumanji continues to be a juggernaut at the box office! If you're looking to catch a flick this week at the theaters, here's the top 10 movies from this past weekend.
If you're looking to watch a movie at the theaters this week, we got all the numbers back from the weekend box office so you can decide what's the best flick for you!